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New Fortnite Mode "Getaway" Completely Changes The Game, See It Here

During the livestream, Epic showed off the new mode, skins, and grappler gun for the first time. Four safes are loaded in supply drops scattered throughout the map. You and three others must work together to find the safes, extract the valuable item inside (it's a jewel llama, of course), and then get to the extraction zone without dying. You're doing this all the while fighting to stay alive against other teams of players. As for the Grappler gun, it works just like you'd imagine; you fire it at a wall and it sends you soaring in that direction. The new mode and the Grappler gun look like they could change things up significantly.  

The next big Fortnite update will add a new event called High Stakes. This will add one new outfit and four masks (pictured below), as well as a brand-new Limited Time Mode called "Getaway." Developer Epic Games will show off the new mode for the first time during a PAX West stream on Twitch today, September 2.

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