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#GameEN Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Skills Guide: 10 Best Skills To Unlock First

In the beginning of Marvel's Spider-Man, you're not armed with many special moves in combat and web-swinging. And when you gain access to the skill tree, there are so many skills to choose from that you might wonder where to even start. Spanning three separate trees (Innovator, Defender, and Webslinger) with 11 skills in each, you're free to prioritize however you wish. Amidst all of these skills, there are some that we believe to be absolutely worth getting.

To help you be the most effective crime fighter there is, we've gathered 12 of the best skills to unlock first. In this feature, we discuss some of the most worthwhile skills and the reason why they're so useful. Though, if none of these skills suit your fancy, feel free to use our suggestions as a basis to figure out what works best for your playstyle.

Our Marvel’s SpiderMan PS4 Skills Guide will tell you about 10 skills which you should definitely unlock first. 

1. Perfect Dodge

Get this skill as fast as you possibly can. It will allow you to pull off a dodge which a normal SpiderMan simply cannot. Perfect Dodge will turn your Spider-Sense blue at exactly the right time.
When that happens, you can dodge and the enemy will be stunned temporarily because you will have shot a web at them. When this happens, you can then attack the enemy and do good damage by turning a defensive manoeuver into an offensive one.

2. Payback

Since enemies that have ranged weapons are much more difficult to deal with, getting the Payback skill is a good idea. This ability allows you to instantly take down enemies after you have performed a Perfect Dodge. Of course, those enemies need to have a ranged weapon in their hands or it will not work.

3. Dodge Window

This skill combines with the Perfect Dodge as well. What this does is increase the time that your Spider-Sense is blue which means that you can get many Perfect Dodges off than you would be able to otherwise. Master this skill and you will be able to defeat enemies much more easily.

4. Air Yank

This skill is very useful because you are able to yank the enemies while you are in the air. All you need to do is to hold the Triangle button when you are airborne and you will yank an enemy to you in the air.This means you will be able to perform all of your aerial attacks while flying in the air. This skill is especially useful because you can isolate enemies in the later stages when taking them all on at once is very challenging.

5. Wrecking Ball

Although this skill will be unlocked quite a bit later on in the story, remember that it allows you to web up a brute enemy and throw them away to stun them and deal damage. It can also be great for when you are surrounded by enemies but the massive brutes is where this skill will shine.

6. Point Launch Boost (Webslinger)

Point Launch Boost is another brilliant web-swinging skill that helps you continually build up speed and momentum by hitting jump as soon as you make contact with a point. As a souped-up version of the standard Point Launch, it massively increases the distance traveled, further contributing to your general mood of feeling like the king of the world. It's always a good idea to use if you're lagging behind in a chase, and when performed in conjunction with Quick Zip, you'll close the distance in no time.

7. Bunker Buster (Webslinger)

Like brutes, shield enemies can be a bit of a hassle. While they're easy to counter with a well-executed Dodge Under, shield enemies are generally a stressor in combat that can cause you to change your attack strategy by simply existing on the field. If you're like us and hate changing plans last-minute, then invest in the path to unlock the Bunker Buster Skill. It allows your Swing Kick to knock these well-guarded nuisances on their butts.

Though, let's be real, the best time to use Bunker Buster is when you're on a rooftop where you can just knock shield enemies right off the edge. There's nothing malicious about that, right?

8. Throw (Defender)

Throw is...well, a throw. Performed by pressing square and then holding triangle, this tactical maneuver tosses your opponent in any direction you please. It's useful when you want to do some quick crowd control in a fight or throw any annoying brutes or gunmen off a roof. Hmm, we're starting to notice a theme here...

9. Yank And Throw (Innovator)

Piggybacking off that sentiment of gunmen being quite annoying, Yank And Throw is another way to vent out your frustrations. All the skills preceding it are incredibly useful for disarming these enemies, but it's Yank And Throw that reigns supreme, completely disarming their weapons and hurling it right back them with concussive force.

10. Ground Strike (Defender)

Ground Strike allows you to smash down on the ground with explosive force--either after an air combo or when you're high up enough in the air. When a fight starts to get hectic, Ground Strike is a great way to throw enemies off balance, buying you time to retreat or set up a devastating Gadget combo. It also comes in handy when you want to land on a dime in the middle of web-swinging.


It’s overwhelmingly likely that, by the time you finish Spider-Man, you’ll unlock all of the skills available to you. Thing is, there are a lot of skills, which means that there’s a lot to remember (and a lot to forget). So we’ve put together a short list of what we consider to be the best (which is also a way of saying our favorite) skills. They mostly exist in the beginning to the middle of each skill tree, so if these sound good to you, follow the path down each branch to unlock them.

Dodge Window (Defender) basically gives you a little more time to pull off a Perfect Dodge.

Quick Zip (Webslinger) is all about swinging fast. As Spidey swings through the air, you can hit X to keep your height and momentum. This skill allows you to hit X a second time and keep more height and speed. It’s essential for the late-game challenges.

Air Marshal (Webslinger) grants you more Focus for air attacks (when you hold Square to punch bad guys into the air and then attack them above ground). This will be your primary way of gaining Focus throughout the game, so boosting that ability always pays off.

Point Launch Boost (Webslinger) allows you to gain a huge burst of speed and distance when you perform a Point Launch. (That’s the thing where you hit L2 and R2 to grab onto something and then hit X as soon as you land.) Like our previous two recommendations, it’s about fast traversal, which isn’t a requirement but sure makes the game easier.

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