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PS5 NEWS: Tomb Raider studio gives next-gen update

While the PS5 release date remains something of a mystery, more and more development studios are weighing in with what they want to see from Sony's next-gen console. Wishlists include more physics-based events, faster processors and better connectivity between different platforms. In a recent chat with Express Online, Shadow of the Tomb Raider narrative director Jason Dozois and lead game designer Heath Smith revealed what they want from the PS5 and Xbox ScarlettAnd the general consensus is for anything that would make Tomb Raider games look even better than they already do.

Japanese analyst firm Ace Economic Research Institute believes that the PS5 could launch as early as 2019A potential 2019 release date could, however, be derailed by manufacturing shortages. As DualShockers points out, monolithic ceramic capacitors are especially problematic due to their increased use in cars. Either way, there's a good possibility we'll find out more about the PS5 at one of next year's big gaming events.

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